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My Story

My name Jacob Hubbard, and I am a writer . . .

But to say I’m a writer doesn’t really tell you a whole lot about who I am. I'm drawn to stories that depict the human condition but of course, many writers understandably say something similar. What makes me any different?

For starters, I’m also a writing teacher, having earned my MA in Rhetoric & Writing and BA in English from San Diego State University, but that in of itself doesn’t make me any different from other writers. When I’m not teaching, I write stories as a way to process my thoughts and emotions and share with others.

I am also neurodivergent, and that has been a big influence on my own writing. Growing up on the West Coast my whole life, I’ve experienced first hand the way people often don’t understand neurodivergent experiences, whether it be a well meaning (but broken) special education system or outdated social beliefs about neurodiversity.

That is what I mean when I say I am drawn to stories that depict the human condition. I enjoy writing and sharing stories that often focus on very real human experiences, even if they are rooted in the fantastical. I am drawn to stories where the conflict is often internal because everyday, conflict is internal just as much as its external. I see stories as vehicles to depict the real, everyday emotions we have. 

When I write, I think of what Sylvia Plath once said, which is the following: 

"Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.”

What is Celestial Seaside Publishing?

Celestial Seaside Publishing is a San Diego-based independent press featuring my own work. As an indie publishing house, I work with a small team to bring work into the world that is not afraid to explore challenging, emotionally driven ideas about the human condition.

"Bring the sky beneath your feet and listen to celestial music everywhere."
- Rumi 

Celestial Seaside Publishing does not currently consider submissions for publication at this time, but may consider doing so in the future.

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